Aug 15, 2020 Pageview:1012
Charging the car batteries has been a major issue since the cars have been using the batteries to crank start the engine. Once the battery becomes dead, it becomes very difficult to start and move the car. In the manual transmission cars, people get the car towed and then start it by engaging the gear. The inertia of the car helps in starting the car.
But, in automatic transmission cars, it is almost impossible to start the car by engaging the gears as there is no mechanism to use wheels’ power to run the engine. Here we will tell you all about the car battery charging mechanisms and time required for charging the battery of a car.
Can you charge a dead car battery
Charging the dead battery is a concern for most people because with a dead battery it is nearly impossible for anyone to move the car on their own. As the engine does not start, the car becomes almost useless. In this case, the best solution is to charge the car battery.
Charging the car battery depends on some factors. These factors decide if there is a benefit of charging the car battery and if it will hold a charge for a long time. The following are the factors that decide the charging of a dead car battery.
The condition of the battery.
The condition of the dead battery matters the most if you are going to charge the battery. You must know if the battery will be able to hold a charge or not. If it will be able to start the car or not.
For checking the condition of the battery there are some simple tests. These tests are:
Checking the acid in the battery.
Checking if the battery is swollen or not.
Checking if the plates of the battery are good or not.
These simple tests can help you to determine if the battery can be charged or not.
How long has the battery been dead for
This is a major factor deciding if the battery will be holding a charge or not. If the battery has gone dead recently, there are good chances that it will hold charge on recharging. If the battery has been lying dead for a long time, then the chances of the battery to hold charge and be able to start the car will be very low.
How long does it take to charge the car battery
If you are up to charge your dead car battery, you might think of the time that will be consumed for charging the dead car battery. The charging time of a battery depends on many different factors. Here we will discuss all of them.
The size of the battery.
One major factor that affects the charging time of the battery is the size of the battery. If the battery is a small-sized battery, it will take fewer hours to completely charge. On the other hand, a bigger battery will take a longer time as there is more acid and more chemical reactions will be required to charge the battery. So, it will take a long time.
The power of the charger.
A battery charger has a power rating. This is measured in amperes or amps. It decides the amount of current going through the battery. If the charger has fewer amperes, this means that the battery will take longer to charge as compared to the charging time required by a charger with more amps.
But in this case, charging the battery with more than enough amps can reduce the life of the battery.
The method of charging.
The method of charging the battery also has a huge impact on the charging of the battery. There are different methods of charging the battery and each of them takes different time to charge the battery. A professional charger will take the least time while a home battery charger can take the longest time to charge the battery.
Average charging time.
If you charge a medium-sized car battery, it can take 10 to 24 hours on average with using a 4 to 8 amps rated charger. While the charging time can significantly reduce if you use a better fast charger.
How do you charge your car battery
If you are trapped in a situation where you are left with a car and a dead battery inside it, you might be thinking of an efficient way of charging the battery. Here we will tell you some different ways to charge the car battery, Some ways will be charging the battery for the long term while others will give you enough power to start the car and take it to a professional mechanic.
Using a battery charger.
The easiest and simplest method to charge the battery of your car is that you connect the battery with the home battery charger. If you have this charger at home, then you are saved because this charger will give you enough power to take your car to a professional charger. If you are not short on time, then you can leave the charger charging the battery for a long time and it will fully charge the battery.
To charge the battery, you will first need to remove the negative wire of the battery. After removing it, connect the wires of the charger to the terminals of the battery and start the charger.
Some Benefits of using this method are:
Cheap charging.
Reliable charging.
Best for emergencies.
Charging the battery inside the car.
Another way of charging the battery is by charging the battery inside the car. The charger of the battery that is present in the car is efficient enough to charge the battery. But for this, you will need to keep the engine of the car running for a long time. If you are going to an inter-city long drive, then it is the best because it can charge the car battery. Otherwise, it is good to start the car and take it to a mechanic.
You will need to jump-start the car for this. These are some benefits of using this method are:
Easy method of charging.
Cheap charging.
Getting the battery charged from a professional charger.
The best way is to get your car battery charge at a professional car battery charger. For this, you will need to jump-start the car and then take the car to a mechanic.
Benefits of using this method:
Fast charging.
Reliable charging.
A dead car battery can leave you in seriously troublesome conditions sometimes. It is best to keep a battery charger at home all the time and a jump start cable in your car all the time. The car battery charging time and the best and easiest methods were discussed here.
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