Dec 02, 2019 Pageview:3225
The 18650 is a type of lithium ion rechargeable battery. Portable devices have been revolutionized by lithium-ion batteries. It's all about smartphones, cameras, baby monitors, fitness gadgets and flashlights in which 18650 batteries are used.
Cells, like the 18650, once reserved for device manufacturers, have found their way into consumer hands as battery technology has matured. These new lithium cells, however, have not been standardized as the rechargeable As you will find in the supermarket.
You must ensure that you buy the right 18650 battery for your device and know how to avoid fake batteries in order to safe your devices and batteries.
How Much Is 18650 Battery?
An improvement of 8 percent in the capacity of li-ion batteries is seen year after year. This is a slow but exponential growth, compounded. Improvement is linear in every battery chemistry. In order to allow exponential growth, new generations of batteries with new chemical paradigms (all can be lithium-ion, with different chemical balances) are needed. It is expected that this growth will continue for at least 25 years where a physical limit can be reached to the amount of energy we can put in a material (~1 eV per atom).
More than 40% of the batteries in the world are lithium ion. The 18650 battery is one of the most widely produced types of lithium ion batteries as it is used in smartphones, power tools, robots, electric vehicles, vaporizers, solar grids, and almost any application you might think of needing to more effectively store electrical energy. The manufacturing cost of an 18650 battery has fallen from $10 for ~1500mAh (twenty years ago) to $2 for ~3000mAh (today). As the cost per kilowatt hour continues to drop, the technology-fueling demand and economies of scale-can be used by new applications.
How Do You Find A Good 18650 Battery Vendor?
Ow a days it is very important to buy the batteries from a well-known vendor as there are so many agents in the market who are selling fake batteries by tagging the name of brand that is why you have to be aware of the fakes, like any branded product. Many vendors often buy cheap cells, rewrap them as brands of name, and sell them as genuine items through Amazon or eBay which is not only harmful for your device but also for your health as it can explode or can be very dangerous.
This is not only a waste of your money, it is potentially dangerous. If you buy a battery for a high powered device that believes it has an adequately safe CDR, when the battery turns out to have a completely different rating, you could injure yourself or damage your device.
Scammers of batteries are good at what they are doing. It's incredibly hard to tell apart a true battery and a fake. From packaging, branding, online listings as they look like the actual deal. The only way from a genuine battery you can tell a fake is by weight.
Most brands have made available somewhere the weight of their genuine batteries. All batteries you buy online should be cross referenced with the specification of the manufacturer. Even spelling errors do not indicate a fake, as a genuine manufacturer had to point out through an update to Facebook.
It’s better to search through the internet for its name to check a specific cell, followed by "datasheet," which lists the battery weight, capacity and total CDR and then purchase a battery.
How Do You Buy A Good 18650 Battery?
Following are the steps by which you can buy a good 18650 battery;
Purchasing good quality cells is probably the most important thing. Cells manufactured by Sanyo / Panasonic, LG, Sony, and Samsung are all of high quality and have ratings friendly capabilities. In addition, 18650s of good quality are safer than cells of cheaper, lower quality.
Make sure you have ample current capability for your use in the cells you purchase. For example, the highest capacity cells (Sanyo NCR18650GA, LG MJ1, and Samsung 35E) are relatively low current cells (maximum continuous 10A) and are unsafe for high current use. Make sure that the current capacity is high enough for your use. On the other hand, for lower drawing applications, high-current CAN cells are used. These even have some advantages over lower draw cells, such as better voltage management and the ability to accept a faster charge. Capacity is going to be lower, but it's less than that.
Make sure that the voltage is appropriate. Most of the 18650s were rated at 4.2 V. But some charge 4.35 V, while others charge only 3.6 V ( LiFePO4 ). It is ok for 4.35 V cells to be charged to 4.2 V and used in 4.2 V applications. But it's going to reduce the capacity. However, it is best to avoid charging 4.2 V batteries to 4.35 V. Also, remember that some devices designed for 4.2 V batteries may be impaired by a 4.35 V battery charged to the maximum 4.35 volts. Furthermore, avoid using LiFePO4 for applications requiring 4.2 V or 4.35 V charging.
Purchase from reputable retailers batteries. Fakes are common when it comes to naming brand cells. Buying from a reputable vendor reduces the likelihood of fake cells.
It is concluded that the demand of 18650 batteries are increasing day by day that is why it is very important to know the specifications of battery before purchasing it as there many people in the market who sell batteries by tagging the name of brand on to the battery and take the money from customers so to avoid such things it is necessary to check the weight of the battery as it is the only thing which can differentiate between a fake battery and the real one. Furthermore, 18650 batteries are widely used in portable devices and the manufacturers of batteries are researching more about it to make it more effective to be used in the upcoming years.
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