Sep 01, 2020 Pageview:716
If you have a good number of batteries, how will you store the excess Most people improperly store their batteries. After storing the batteries poorly for a prolonged period, they expect the batteries to function normally. That will never happen. Poor storage of batteries can lead to severe damage to cells. Without the cells, then there will be no chemical reactions inside the battery.
It is, therefore, essential to know the correct ways to store your battery. This includes the place to store the battery, the conditions of the storage place. Also, the battery's condition at the time of storage is essential to the safety of the product. It is also crucial that the user considers the period that he/she is planning to store the product. We are going to deal with all your battery storage issues. Follow through and learn.
This topic on batteries inside a freezer is quite impressive. The storage of batteries inside a fridge can be done for alkaline batteries only. For the rechargeable batteries, it is not recommended at all. I will begin by giving you the effects of cold on alkaline batteries;
Alkaline batteries consist of three main components: the cathode (positively charged material), the anode (the negatively charged material), and electrolyte (the fuel). The electrolyte reacts with the anode to create electrons. When the battery is plugged into a circuit, electrons flow through the wires from the anode to the cathode hence creating electricity.
During the chemical reactions discussed above, the electrolyte provides fuel for the oxidation reaction and makes way for electrons to flow from the anode to the cathode. The electrolyte is a substance with water in it. And as you know, when water is exposed to freezing temperatures, it freezes.
Therefore, by putting the batteries inside the refrigerator, you are slowing down the electrolyte's ability to act as a medium through which electrons pass. Because zinc and the electrolyte are in contact, there is a constant occurrence of the oxidation reaction. But, the process is faster when the battery is plugged into the device.
When the battery is not plugged, electrons are still being generated in a process known as self-discharge. Therefore, over an extended period, batteries can self-discharge until they are no longer usable. The refrigeration of batteries is a method of minimizing self-discharge. It is tough to stop self-discharge, but lowering the air temperature around can help to a certain extent in reducing it.
Manufacturers discourage the freezing of batteries because it can change the molecular structure. It is good to visit the user's manual to get information. Either visit your manufacturer or battery specialist before putting your batteries into the freezer.
Storage of batteries inside the fridge is not recommended because of the moisture content inside the fridge. Moisture could damage the battery in any other way. To store the batteries correctly, keep the batteries in a cool location with low humidity. Also, ensure that you align them to face the same direction.
If you opt to store batteries inside a refrigerator, put them inside a sealed air-tight plastic bag. This will assist in minimizing the content of moisture that can get in contact with the batteries.
The quality of batteries vary depending on the manufacturer when they were made and the battery's contents. Unused batteries in the households with their original packaging can last for a period between 5 years to 20 years. But several factors affect the lifespan of a car battery. On average, a car battery's average lifespan is about four years when stored under normal conditions.
Every battery user needs to know how to store batteries. There are some actions that are supposed to take to keep your batteries healthy. This include:
Please keep them in their original packaging.
Do not open the package until the time that you need to start using the batteries. Keeping them in their original packaging has the following advantages:
The batteries are protected from external environmental factors. These factors include humidity that can affect the power of the battery.
When the batteries are naked, they can come into contact with each other, or if the terminals come into contact with metals, it could cause short-circuit.
If your appliance requires more than one battery, it is good to use the same age batteries. Ensure that you store used and unused batteries in different containers or plastic bags and label each group's date on the bag. Also, if they are stored together, they could react and cause short-circuit.
Store them at room temperature or below
The best temperature for batteries is 15 degrees Celsius, but a bit warmer than this does not harm your battery. Make sure that you keep your batteries away from direct sunlight. The worst enemy of batteries is heating. Too high temperatures will lead to self-discharge of the battery to increase. Low temperatures are crucial in the lifespan of the batteries, but humidity affects the lifespan negatively.
Keep the stored batteries away from metal objects.
Batteries and metals are the worst enemies. When batteries and metals come into contact, they could get circuited. Always store your batteries in plastic, wood, or glass containers. Do not store the batteries together with metal objects.
Be sure to control the humidity.
High humidity can cause condensation, corrosion, and leakage. Therefore, you should avoid it at all times. A fridge has a suitable temperature for batteries, but the moisture content enlarges the risk of condensation. To keep your batteries in the fridge, ensure that they are in a vapor-proof container. You should acclimatize at room temperature for at least 24 hours before use.
You now know how well you can store your batteries for long. This knowledge is essential in ensuring that your family is safe and your batteries are healthy. Keep your batteries well, and avoid losses.
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