APR 17, 2020 Pageview:1740
What is lithium battery jumper?
Whenever you are in a situation when your car does not start and you need another car that will help your car to start by Jump-Start method, or you need any Jump-starting service, the Lithium battery jump starter will make your work easier because it does not require any effort and much time in such a situation.
Battery Jumpers are not big in size but they are small size battery packs along with jumper cables. They are very easy to carry with the car because they can be easily fitted into the car toolbox or even gloves box. This portability makes the lithium ion battery jump starters even more useful. You can use them whenever you need, and then place them back in the box.
If a car is not starting on its own battery means that the battery of the car has not enough power to start the car’s engine, in this case the lithium ion battery jump starter comes handy, which provides the required jump start to the battery.
Jump start is also known as boost, as it temporarily boosts the battery power of the car required to start the engine. There were jump starters available without battery built in them, and they require another vehicle to use its battery as a power source, but they are being replaced by Lithium ion battery jump starters. They are self-powered by lithium batteries. Jumper Cables are connected to the battery of the car in the proper way that is positive (+) end of jumper cable is connected with the positive terminal of the battery and negative (-) with the negative terminal. You can use the lithium battery jumper to charge other devices also but with great care of compatibility and amount to power needed to charge them.
Are lithium battery jumper any good?
Initially, the jump starters were made using lead acid batteries. They were not efficient as the lithium battery jumpers are because lead acid batteries are very heavy and large in size, so they were difficult to bring in the car. However, the new lithium ion battery jumpers are very good and small in size. They are made with lithium ion batteries which are free from any liquid inside them so very small in size.
One thing which is very good for lithium jump starters is that they can be used to charge other devices such as laptops and smartphone batteries.
Note: Please use the jump starters very carefully especially when you are using it to charge a device for the first time and you don’t know about the charging voltages required by that device. Once you are confirmed with the power/voltage readings required by the device and they are compatible with the lithium jump starter, then you can use them to charge your laptops/mobiles and other gadgets etc.
Lithium battery jumper were introduced in 2013 and they are improving day by day. They are equipped with micro processors which help to avoid from any major damage to the device to which they are connected. Lithium battery jumper are good enough to provide multiple starts in a single charge. They are rechargeable.
If you compare the new lithium battery jumpers with the old jumpers which were made using the acid lead batteries, they were almost 20 pounds in weight therefore, were not support the portability. But the lithium jumpers have weight less than or equals a pound, which is not a big deal for a car to carry.
So, these are the positive things which makes these jumpers very good and useful, now in the next section, you will learn the things which must be considered before buying a lithium ion jump starter.
How do you choose the best lithium battery jumper?
There are variety of jump starters available in the market. The main choice depends on the requirement of the user, means that, it depends on the size of the car engine. For the small engine cars, less power is required, so small size lithium jumper can do the work for it. Similarly, for the large size engine car, suitable size is selected. Below are some points to be considered to choose the best battery jumper for your device.
Reviews: In this era of technology, it is very easy to know the public reviews about a product. Similar is the case with lithium jumper. To choose the best lithium battery jumper, go through the reviews or comments about them. Know about their pros and cons and then make the decision.
Usage ease: The choice of lithium battery jumper also depends on the comfort level. Consult with any person that has used the product before and try to clear your confusions. As discussed before, try to find out public reviews about various lithium battery jumpers and compare them with each other. Select the one which best meet your needs.
Safety: Make sure your product is able to manage the reverse polarity and overloading. If yes, then it can be a good choice for your use.
Warranty of product: Choose the lithium battery jumper which has warranty period. Warranty products are helpful in case of any failure by the product.
Cost and Power size: For example, if you need jump started for laptop, it cannot be a same requirement as to jump start a car. So, in both cases the jumper must be selected small power and large power respectively.
Quality: While making the choice of lithium battery jumpers, don’t compromise on the quality of the product because it is not going to be purchased after short period of time, and also it is important for the life of other gadgets which use it.
As a conclusion of the whole discussion, lithium battery jumpers are very helpful especially for the travellers. The usage of lithium battery instead of lead acid battery has reduced their size but increased their efficiency in the form of more power cycles. They must be selected according to the need and some points must be considered before buying lithium battery jumper.
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