Sep 02, 2020 Pageview:2252
For using the adequate battery for different applications this is very important that you know about all of its different statistics. While most of the people know about the voltage or amp-hours of the battery, they do not know the reserve capacity of the battery.
This causes a major confusion between different people for the amp hours and the reserve capacity. Although the concept behind both of them looks quite similar, the actual concept between them is very different. Here we will discuss what is the reserve capacity of a battery in detail.
We will also elaborate on the way of calculating the reserve capacity and its comparison with the amp hours of the battery.
So, what is a high reserve battery The answer to this question asked by most of the confused people is very simple. First, let us explain what the reserve capacity of the battery is. This is the amount of time at which the battery can provide an adequate amount of current and voltage to a constant load.
According to this, a high reserve capacity battery will be the battery that can provide adequate power to the load for a long time as compared to other batteries without any interruption in the amount of current or voltage.
There are a lot of factors on which the reserve capacity of the battery depends. Some of them are elaborated below.
The Load To Size Ratio Of The Battery
If we use the battery with a very small load, then this battery can be considered as a high reserve capacity battery for that load. This is because that load can get uninterrupted power from the battery for a long time.
What will happen if you connect a big load to the battery
If you get in a case where you have to connect a big load to the battery, this can be very disturbing for the battery. The following are the reasons.
The load might need a greater voltage.
The load might draw a lot of current from the battery.
Due to these reasons, the reserve capacity of the battery will be significantly disturbed. For example, if you take a battery rated to power one fan for 1 hour and connect a load of 2 fans, the battery will not be able to last any more than 30 minutes theoretically. In practical life, it will last even less than 30 minutes.
As now we know that the reserve capacity of a battery is only calculated after you know all about the load and its requirements that will be connected to the battery. Here we will discuss the easiest way of calculating the reserve capacity of a battery for a specific load.
Knowing The Basics
For calculating the reserve capacity of the battery, you must know the following things.
Voltage of the battery.
Temperature of the battery.
Amperes of the battery.
Amp-hours of the battery
Cut voltage.
Voltage requirement of the load.
The current requirement of the load.
Note: cut voltage is the lowest amount of the voltage that your load will require before it shuts down.
Implementing The Formula
The formula that we will use here is simple. It is that the number of minutes for which a fully charged battery at a specific voltage at a specific temperature provides a specific amount of current before the battery voltage becomes equal to the cut voltage of the system. If we convert this statement into a methohexital formula, it will look like this:
Reserve Capacity of the battery(seconds)=Amp hours of the battery/amperes of the battery.
If you want to convert it in minutes, you can simply divide the result by 60 and again divide it by 60 to get the result in hours.
Calculating The Result
After you implement the values in your formula, you can calculate the results by performing all the arithmetic operations and you will get the exact theoretical reserve capacity for your battery. It is worth noting that due to different temperature conditions and different types of batteries reacting differently to different temperatures, this reserve capacity can differ.
After you know how to calculate the reserve capacity, there are still chances that you will feel confused about the difference between the amp hours of the battery and the reserve capacity of the battery. So, here we will first elaborate both of them in easy words. Then we will explain further differences in them.
Amp-hours is the rate at which the battery can deliver a constant amount of current and voltage for a specific time.
Reserve Capacity
Reserve capacity is the time for which a battery can deliver a constant amount of current and voltage at a specific rate.
Some Of The Main Differences
Here we will elaborate on some main differences between both of them.
While you compare them, for amp hours, you will get the rate of the battery delivering the current. For reserve captivity, you will get the time for which the battery will deliver the current.
For calculating them, you will have to consider a constant load, voltage, and current for both of them which confuses most of the people.
With a constant voltage, current and load, if you are talking about the power that will be delivered to the load, then it is amp-hours. Otherwise, it is reserve capacity if you are talking in minutes or hours that the battery will be able to provide power.
The unit for Amp-hours is Ah while that for reserve capacity is mostly seconds, minutes, or hours.
In some applications where you have to use the battery without charging it, knowing the time that you can get from your battery will be very important. Here we discussed an easy formula for calculating the reserve capacity of the battery. We also differentiated between the two most confused terms amp hours and reserve capacity so that you will never get confused again.
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