APR 27, 2020 Pageview:1137
Certain things in your procession won’t be allowed on an airplane. These are the most dangerous items that may harm anyone intestinally or unintendedly. Amongst them are any kind of sharp item, firearms self-defence ammo/Martial arts stuff, explosives, and liquid more than a certain amount is not allowed. But lithium-ion batteries aren’t one of these items.
Some of the items are not considered harmful when in a small quantity. But in a larger quantity, they are considered harmful and are hence not allowed to be kept by anyone in an airplane. These precautions are taken due to the presence of the general public in the airplane, if it is a cargo plane or ship then all these things regardless of quantities allowed. The reason is that these passenger planes are not equipped with that kind of safety or are not designed to carry this equipment in larger quantities.?
Yes, you can carry lithium-ion batteries with you on an airplane but in small quantities. If they are installed in your device then it’s not an issue at all but if they are uninstalled, then they must be kept with the passenger in the aircraft cabin. He/she will not be allowed to keep them in their baggage.
Uninstalled batteries must be kept in such a way that they are protected from short circuits. In this category battery in mobile phones, laptops, tablets, watches, calculators, etc. are included. There may be some restrictions on their size but with the airline, approval passengers may carry two batteries of up to 160 watts. It’s also important that they are not sales items. Batteries carried on a larger quantity no matter which sizes i.e. big or small, they are not allowed to be carried by a passenger, they should be transported on a cargo plane or ship.?
One person has a limit of two batteries extra batteries in his/her possession. The reason for not allowing the further amount of batteries to be carried could be safety issues. When in a larger quantity there may be some danger of short circuits or anything that may happen to one of the batteries could cause a big problem due to the presence of a larger quantity of them. Any kind of electronic equipment in a large quantity always is a danger. And when it comes it a battery it doesn’t require a socket for acquiring charge, it possesses charge within itself, that’s the reason it’s more dangerous in a large quantity. In a small quantity, the danger is lowered because of the small size of a lithium-ion battery.
Lithium-ion batteries can become somewhat of a risk if stowed in the luggage area of a passenger aircraft. The reason of it becoming a bigger risk is that it would not be in front of the eyes of the crew, hence if any mishap happens then they would not be able to deal with it on time and luggage area is also not equipped with proper equipment to deal with such kind of a fire that lithium-ion batteries would cause. It is best to keep all the devices with these batteries and uninstalled batteries with the passengers in the cabin.
Normally devices with lithium-ion batteries are required to be kept with the passenger, but from some country’s direct flights to the US, passengers are required to put their laptops with the luggage. Here the risk elevates by putting so many battery devices together in a congested area. If one of the batteries starts heating up and catches fir it will light up all the other devices with the same batteries, such kind of a fire is not possible to be dealt with on an aircraft. It will also be impossible to detect the device that catches fire at first because it’s the cargo of the plane.
It is important to keep all devices and other uninstalled batteries in the cabin where any problem can be detected at an early stage and could be dealt with at ease.
Despite these batteries being so dangerous sometimes, have you ever thought why are they even allowed on an airplane? Because they ‘ve become an essential part of some devices that are now somewhat impossible for us to leave for even a day. For example, Our mobiles and laptop. Would you consider spending even a day without your laptop or your mobile? Your answer must ‘ve been “NO.” Mobile was invented as a source of communication with calls or messages. But now it's not used just for calls or messages, it has become our social life. Before cell phones, social life was the life outside the house but now it has become a life inside our cell phones.
And now laptops, they are also an essential part of our lives. And for some people, they are so important that they would not travel if keeping a laptop is not allowed in that plane. Their whole professional life is in that device.
When a lithium-ion battery is used in such important devices, it has its importance due to them. And now these batteries are used in electric cars. It's in the starting stage but soon after resolving all the risks, it’s expected that they would completely take the position of gas operating vehicles as battery-operated vehicles. Then they would become even more important to our lives.
Regardless of their importance, they can be very dangerous so handling them should be done with extra caretaking all precautionary measures into consideration, even when using devices operated by them and when storing uninstalled batteries. Despite being very important they could be quite dangerous and if dealt properly we can make them harmless to us.
Wherever they are stowed it is important that the temperature of that place is maintained and is not too hot or cold. And they are packed in such a way that there is no short circuit.
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