Oct 15, 2020 Pageview:4928
It is very important to store a battery in proper way, which may easily affect the battery performance, so if you want to explore in this field, you can check: How to Store Lithium-ion Batteries
At some point in life, you must have heard that storing the Lithium-ion batteries drain them over time and it is bad. But is it really true? Some people believe this myth blindly while others think that it is just a myth.
But on the contrary, there was a time when this was true. And like all other “old wife tales”, there was some evidence that would explain this. There was a time when Lithium-ion batteries were manufactured using low-quality materials. And even for the protection of the electric circuit, wood was used. But time has changed now, and the technology has advanced for better and now we can truly answer all your questions related to storing the lithium-ion batteries on Concrete.
Here, in this article, we will discuss in detail whether it would be fine to put the Lithium-ion batteries on concrete. Let’s explore the facts together.
Is It Bad To Put A Lithium Ion Battery On Concrete?
The myth related to Lithium-ion batteries and concrete started a long time ago. The batteries used to have glass cells and wooden case. So, when the battery was put on a concrete floor, the wood absorbed the moisture and it would swell. Furthermore, the swelling led to the breaking of glass cells.
Subsequently, some batteries were designed that lacked a case altogether. It allowed the electrical discharge into the concrete. After that, the porous rubber cases came out that contained carbon atoms. The rubber material allowed the passage of ions between the cells when moisture was around. This caused a premature discharge in the batteries and hence the result was carried out that it is bad to put the Lithium-ion batteries on the concrete floor.
Fortunately, the batteries of today don’t have all these flaws. Hence, the thing that was a fact in the old times is merely a myth now.
Does Concrete Drain Lithium Ion Battery?
If you still think that it is the concrete floor that drains the battery, then you are wrong. When the batteries do discharge faster than you expect, it is very unlikely that the material it is stored upon has a major role to play. The only major factor that affects the Lithium-ion batteries is the ambient temperature it is stored in.
So, if you are living in the region where the summer season can be brutal, then you won’t be able to do much to prevent the draining of the Lithium-ion batteries. We all know that heat is bad for batteries. According to the researchers, it is a hard fact that when the temperature is more than expected, the Lithium-ion battery would only last the two-third to the original rate.
Take this case for example. If you are living in a cold environment and the battery is supposed to last for 4 years, then its life will be reduced in the hot environment. Now, it would only last 2 years and 8 months in a hot climate. And if you are living in a hot climate, storing the batteries on a concrete floor might be good for the batteries. It will absorb the heat and prevent all the heat from reaching the battery. Therefore, as far as myths go, storing Lithium-ion batteries on concrete would extend the battery life.
So, the next time someone gives you a piece of free advice without any solid proof, make sure that you do your research before believing it.
Can Lithium Ion Battery Be Stored On Concrete?
Every Lithium-ion battery manufacturer is trying to do something that would increase their lifespan. And if under these circumstances you would think that storing Lithium-ion battery on concrete is the worst thing that you’ve been doing all these years, then nothing would be more disappointing.
The factors that cause battery leaks are:
Dirt and dust that become carbonized. It creates electrical conduction outside the battery and drains it out faster than normal. So, instead of cleaning the battery exterior using a dirty cloth, use a clean washcloth.
Self-discharge is something that happens with all kinds of batteries. As warm as the air around the battery, the faster will be the rate of discharge. That is why it is advised to store the battery in a cold space.
The cold temperatures rarely cause a malfunction in the batteries. Still, there are some scenarios where the batteries are low on charge and when they are stored in a freezing environment, it causes a crack in the case. The only way to prevent this from happening is to charge the battery completely before you store them.
Some people store the battery without even checking out the shelf life. It is obvious that if you put out the battery near the end of its lifecycle, or you store it more than its shelf life, it will eventually reach the end and stop working. It is recommended to charge the battery after 6 months if you want to make sure that it is in working conditions.
Nowadays, the batteries are well insulated. So, there is no chance that storing them on a concrete floor and exposure to moisture from outside will endanger its life or working. Still, there is no harm in keeping them safe and sound as they contain dangerous chemicals. Just keep the batteries clean, dry, and get to know as much as possible about them.
The more you know, the easier it will be to preserve the longevity and the performance of the Lithium-ion batteries. So, if sometimes still believes that the concrete floor is not good for the batteries, help them to bust out this myth. Tell as many people as possible to keep their Lithium-ion batteries on a concrete floor as it is, in fact, beneficial for them.
Keep one thing in mind that the main thing batteries need is ideal temperature range so that neither do they overheat nor freezes out. As long as the environment is cool enough, you can put them on any type of floor.
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