Jun 26, 2019 Pageview:1019
This is basically a lithium ion battery which is classified by its size. The size of this battery is 18 mm by 65 mm; their size is not too much bigger than the AA lithium batteries. These batteries are known for their super high capacity and that is why they are used in devices like laptops which drain lot of power. These batteries come in various shapes and colors so we can’t actually try to understand them considering these aspects. The batteries are rechargeable too and they can hold power for a longer period depending on the usage.
What is inside the 18650 battery?
What you will expect to find inside any lithium battery is the cathode and the anode, not forgetting the electrolyte. It is important to note that 18650 is just one of the lithium family batteries, this means that they will all have the same kind of anode. The anode in all lithium batteries is either carbon or silicon. The difference in the types of lithium batteries comes in on the part of the cathode, 18650 is composed of nickel and magnesium. The battery has graphite as an electrolyte in which chemical reactions occur to provide current. Every type of a battery has different electrolyte, which is an explanation why there are different voltage in different batteries.
Why an 18650 bayttery cell is actually called 18560?
The naming of these batteries simply came from the dimensions of the battery. The original shape of these batteries was cylindrical, this means it was having a diameter and the height; this is what determined the measurements of the battery. The diameter of the battery measured 18 mm, while the height of the battery measured 25 mm this is where the naming 18650 came; they simply joined the dimensions to name the battery.
The best 18650 battery and how to avoid buying fakes
These kinds of batteries have become so popular in the recent days. They are now being used in mobile phones, in laptops and in many other devices, this is because these devices require a battery which can hold power for a longer time and also a battery which can hold a lot of power because they are really heavy drainers of power, this makes 18650 the best batteries because they are able to withstand these all.
18650 batteries are rechargeable; this is the reason why they are the best batteries to use. This means that you can use the batteries for a long time while recharging them before disposing them. This aspect makes them quite economical compared to the batteries which are not rechargeable. Their high capacity is also a very important to consider.
These batteries are light when you consider their weight. This is a very good feature of this kind of batteries, this is what enables them to be portable, the batteries can be carried around in phones, laptops, flashlights and other very many devices without any strain because they are small and light. One can’t even notice you are carrying a battery with you in your device; this makes them the best type of batteries to be used.
18650 batteries last for a long time, these batteries cannot be damaged even if you charge them before they are full discharged, you can always keep topping up the power in your mobile phone and still they don’t get damaged. The life of these batteries is really long; they will take years for them to degrade. This is the best thing about these kinds of batteries.
How to avoid buying fake 18650 batteries
The popularity of this kind of batteries has also given the fake manufacturing companies a chance to manufacture fake batteries and package them in the very exact package as the original ones. This can give a buyer a very hard time to distinguish between the original 18650 battery and the fake one. However there are ways you can use to identify if the battery is original or not.
First thing you will have to do is to check through the details in accordance to the original battery, most fake manufacturers who make fake brand don’t include some very specific details about the batteries. The very minor information like the weight of the batteries is often ignored and that is the thing that gives you an indication that the battery is not original. Before you go to buy a battery on the shelf, you should first make sure that you have gotten all the information about the original battery so that you can make a comparison.
Another thing you can consider when identifying if the battery is original or fake is gauging by its price. There is a standard price of a battery that is from the manufacturer, however those people who manufacture fake batteries would want their batteries to sell really fast, for that reason they will lower the price even to almost a half the price of an original battery. If you meet such a scenario, you will realize immediately that the batteries being sold are not original ones.
The last thing you can check out is any kind of misspelling on the battery. If there will be a misspelling from the original manufacturing company, there will be a clear communication to the consumers about the error, if there is no communication and you meet a battery with a slightly different spelling just know they are fake batteries. Some fake manufacturers will just replace one letter from the original name and make you think that it was just error in spelling. You should be aware of such things.
To sum this up, you can appreciate that 18650 batteries have taken the centre stage in the use currently; almost every device that uses a rechargeable battery is using this king of battery. Their portability and durability are the reasons for that.
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