Jun 29, 2019 Pageview:2899
LITHIUMION-ION POLYMER battery whom we call as LIPO battery are the most harmful components we cope with in our mini quad. This is not only because they are prone to burst into a tiny fireball when they are maltreated but also because of their huge energy to dump from their terminal. However, correct techniques and offloading procedures may alleviate the majority of the potential danger. In this sequence, we are aiming to educate you the failure and preventability of LiPo batteries.
There is a number of advantages in the use of lithium polymers or LiPo batteries that have made them the choice of consumers. They are big in terms of their energy consumption and their weights, with a greater battery voltage usually 3.7 volts so that with smaller batteries you can get the needed power than with other rechargeable components. LiPos discharge is also slow to hold a charge longer when not in use.
LiPo batteries need adequate attention!!!
Lithium batteries (or LiPo batteries for short), as high-energy storage equipment, are popular among model manufacturers. Smartphones, tablets, cameras and laptops use such batteries are also used. .
Mostly,?lithium polymer batteries (LiPo Short) are?the current preferred battery used in the drones. Most LiPo batteries are a combination between two battery?techniques rather than a real lithium polymer battery.
Samsung took all the breaks out after battery flames. First, it stops manufacturing and subsequently announces the end of Galaxy Note 7, an extraordinary incident in the android industry and a recent negative occurrence during a long chain of Lithium battery accidents. In the case that clients are reporting overheated fuel cells, Honeywell Group stops producing and delivering two mobile multi-gas sensors. The group announced it would still be available to purchase and dispatch locks.
Overloading takes place when high voltage is introduced across LiPo cells. Usually, you want to increase the voltage on each cell of LiPo to 4.2V during charging (for regular LiPos). High voltages will cause the packs to produce heat and gas to react irreversibly to the chemical batteries attempt to swell –irreversibly harmed at this stage. An explosion is the next phase. The overcharge can also happen if you try to charge the battery faster than you can accept it.
A severe accident or overall maltreatment may result in cells being punctured in LiPo. This causes them to explode immediately and perhaps chain themselves to?cells.
Battery Damage
Sometimes when you drop or land on a LiPo battery, you may not damage it in a way that does not cause a puncture. Back in the RC Helicopter days, this type of failure was tongue-in-cheek called “tacoing a pack”, because the resulting LiPo, when bent over the nose of a helicopter, resembled a taco.
While a taco’ed pack is generally still flyable, a LiPo that has a severe dent in it can be a ticking time bomb. This is because one of the corners of the LiPo – normally the short one where the battery connector lives or the adjacent one – contains the cell terminals. The dent?may lead to the touch between these terminals and a breakdown, as well as to internal battery system damage.
Electrical Shorts
An electric short is triggered by an unintentional touch between the positive and the negative cables in your power system. If this happens with a sufficiently large wire, the battery can discharge far beyond its rating. This results in a chain reaction that heats and expands the battery, enhances its internal resistance and causes it to heat up and expand faster. One or every cell will at some stage break up from expansion, causing hot smokes and perhaps a fireball to be released.
LiPo batteries left in the sun will?heat up and expand. This heat may be so high in especially warm regions or when parked in the vehicles during the summer. batteries that expanded owing to sun-borne heat and never perform?again.
Why users should pay attention to the LiPo battery explosion?
According to recent research from the NBC Defense Institute and the University of Tsinghua, Lithium-ion batteries can generate tons of hazardous gasses if overheated. More than a hundred toxic substances including carbon monoxide were discovered to spill in billions of customer phones such as smartphones and phones.
Potentially lethal gasses can lead to severe hair, nose, and respiratory tract irritations and damage the wider environment.
For example, a fully-filled battery releases more toxic gases than a 50% charge battery. The chemical products in the batteries and their charge-releasing capability also influenced concentrations and types of toxic gasses emitted.
Identification of gasses produced and the reasons for their emission provides manufacturers with a broader understanding of the reduction and protection of toxic emissions while using LIPo batteries in a wide range of environments.
What you should do if there is a Lipo battery explosion
Typically, battery manufacturing companies provide battery instructions. Incident investigation involves an evaluation of the user's procedures for probable misuse, determination of the predictability of mishandling, and safeguards for foreseeable misuse.
It is believed that?LiPo battery fires?are some of the most difficult fires to suppress. These batteries have high ‘power-to-density’ ratios that allow them to store large amounts of energy. When a Lithium-ion battery catches fire, it is the stored energy along with the materials in the battery that make it so difficult to suppress or extinguish; it is classified as a?Class-D fire.
Only a CLASS D POWDER EXTINGUISHER is suggested in case of lithium flames. Minimum equipment is necessary to protect your eyes, respirator, cotton pads, etc. If other fuels burn in the vicinity and due to the lithium battery, then adequate extinguishing materials must be used to dust the secondary flames. It is essential, of course, to tackle every flame form with a suitable extinguishing.
The chemical composition of lithium-battery smartphones is always likely to cause the chemical reaction between H2O and lithium metal, converting this hydrogen into petrol for the flame, by spilling water on devices. Fortunately, the danger is fairly insignificant for most portable devices.
Should you find yourself dealing with a smartphone fire armed only with a six-pack of seltzer, feel free to apply it liberally, and drown your smartphone until no more smoke is visible. Needless to say, your phone is toast. You can dispose of your charred battery by searching for a battery?disposal location near you. As with most things that burn, be sure to avoid inhaling the fumes from a smoking battery, as they’re toxic, carcinogenic, and just plain gross.
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