23 Years' Battery Customization

How much do you know about Lipo battery safety?

Jul 19, 2019   Pageview:1258

Lipo Batteries are also known as Lithium polymer batteries. A lithium polymer battery is based on a gel-type polymer as an electrolyte material in it. This gel-type material has the ability to take any shape and does not need to have a rigid enclosure just like the lithium-ion batteries which are being used in our mobiles and laptops. The energy density of Lip batteries is much higher as compared to any other battery which you can find in the market. It may be because these batteries are not bounded to any kind of rigid cylindrical containers which also contain the dead spaces in between and has the ability to affect the charge capacity of the other batteries.

While on the other hand if you are going to talk about the Lipo battery then you will get a better idea that the complete space of these battery packs is full of energy which means there is no empty space exist in them and no weight is being added by the cylindrical containers of metal.


What do you know about the Lithium polymer battery safety· 

If you want to know about the safety of Lithium Polymer or Lipo battery safety then there are multiple things which you have to know in this regard. So, having a look at the following information is surely going to be beneficial for you to know more about Lithium Polymer battery safety.

Well, if you are going to examine more properties of Lipo batteries then you will get a better idea that Lipo batteries are containing smaller shell life and even these become very sensitive when the temperature goes higher. Even if these are not going to be used with proper care, then their exposure to heat can let them Prone to explode and even high and low voltages can also cause damage. So, due to their sensitive behavior, it becomes highly important to know about the Lipo battery safety measures in an effective way.

Lipo battery safety in hot weather

When it comes to use or charge Lithium polymer batteries then most of the people may have a question in their mind and that is whether hot or cold weather affect the Lithium polymer batteries in any way·  Before getting the answer to this question, it is important for you to know the fact that Lipo batteries are heat sensitive batteries and exposure of extreme heat can damage the lithium polymer batteries in a negative way. You may have heard some lithium battery damages due to their exposure to extreme heat. Well, when it comes to keeping safe your Lipo batteries even in hot weather then there are some things which you need to know for betterment.

You Lipo batteries can sag at a faster rate when you are going to use them on a continuous basis under a really hot sunny day. It is always important to give your battery a break and let that warm itself at the normal temperature for its better use.

Heat can degrade the Lipo batteries with time. You may not get an idea while using your battery under the sun but leaving your lithium polymer batteries under the sun can cause severe problems, therefore, it is highly important to never leave them out in your car when you are going to park that under direct sun. However, you can keep your Lipo batteries safe under shade.

When you have to charge your battery then it is highly important to leave your Lithium polymer battery under room temperature and let it be a bit cool to experience more ease. It means never put your battery on a charging immediately after using it especially when it gets hot due to constant use.

Lipo battery safety precautions

Here are some of the most effective safety measures which you need to know:

· When it comes to charging your Lipo battery it is always highly recommended to use the standard chargers which are perfectly made for your Lipo batteries.

· When you have to charge, discharge or storage your Lipo battery, it is always important to use fireproof lipo safety bag. Although the Lithium polymer battery fire is rare but it can happen really quickly and can cause severe damage. Therefore, always adopting effective safety measure is a better option as compared to bearing any damage.

· Never go with a travel or flight case to store your Lipo batteries. It is because the plastic and foam these cases are containing can spread a Lipo fire in any unfortunate case. However, considering the use of a fireproof case can be a better decision to ensure safety.

· Never leave your Lipo battery fully charged more than 2 days. Even if you are feeling on the third day that you are not going to use your Lipo battery then it is better to discharge your Lipo battery in a proper way. Moreover, keep in mind the fact that never let your battery discharge below 3.0v per cell to ensure safety measures.


Lipo battery safety accident

Lipo batteries are the riskiest batteries which are being used by us from day to day. There are several factors which can cause a Lipo battery safety accident. Overcharging the battery at a high voltage can result in severe damage. Leaving your battery on a direct and long-term heat exposure can also cause a Lipo battery safety accident. Even more, if you are not going to discharge your Lipo battery properly and even not using a fully charged Lipo batteries for more than 2 consecutive days then this can also cause harmful damage. To avoid any unwanted Lipo battery safety accident it is always important to consider safety measures.

Final Words

Although Lipo batteries are sensitive to handle and you have to pay much attention to them while using, charging, discharging and storing. But these batteries also have various benefits which can let you consider using these amazing batteries. Lipo batteries are containing nearly double capacity as compared to other batteries and even with half weight than the others. Even more, these batteries have the ability to retain charge for a longer period of time as compared to other batteries such as NiCd or NiMH even when Lipo batteries are not in use.


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